The Administrative Research Institute (AFF) provides open-enrollment executive training from the Norwegian School of Economics. Since 2008, it has been acknowledged annually by The Financial Times as one of the top providers in the world.

We worked with AFF to create a new visual identity that would better reflect their professional standards, exclusivity, and distinguish them from their competitors. This extended to a redesign of all printed communication and, in collaboration with Mesén, a new approach to AFF’s website.

Our solution, through revised typography, improved layouts and a cleaner colour palette of silver block foil and cool grey Colorplan paper, emphasises the high quality of AFF’s programme and its international recognition.

A new website, which sees a reduction in pages, a simplified menu, coloured boxes, larger type, bite-sized information that leads to in-depth content, alongside colour illustration, improves legibility and accessibility, is intuitive and informative, and has a playfulness that distinguishes AFF from its competitors. Visit the website.