Det fantastiske treet (The Fantastic Tree) is a new permanent exhibition at the Norwegian Forest Museum that explores the life cycle of trees, and their place within earth’s ecosystem. At the heart of the exhibition is a 7,5m tree, created by artists Kevin Iris and Frode Stenberg, that feature folding and unfolding flowers and leaves, and lighting that allow the tree to convey the four seasons.

We created a visual identity and exhibition space, built around this centre piece, that would appeal to 12–18 years, be inspirational, and present complex science in a simple and engaging way. Our design compliments the hi-tech nature of the tree through a large acrylic panel that depicts a cross-section of a leaf, and emphasises it through contrast using natural forms, colours and materials. These include stained wood and unbleached papers, a variety of greens and typography with serifs that branch off like trees.

A distinctive hand drawn logo links a broad variety of merchandise, which feature phrases that highlight the relationship between man and forest, and balances a youthful energy, that could appeal to children, with a high-quality that would work for parents. Photos: Bård Løken / Dan Aamlid / Mona Ødegaard